Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth


Here at our College, we truly love and cherish our intercessor and patroness, St. Mary. Our beliefs toward the Ever-Virgin Theotokos perfectly reflects the rich and dogmatic Coptic Orthodox rites and teachings.

Having bore unto us the Saviour of the whole world, St. Mary’s divine conception was completed without the seed of man, but by the grace of the Holy Spirit. We too, at SMCOC, ask the Lord to send His blessings upon us and to complete each student’s endeavors throughout their schooling.

This is why we ask for St. Mary’s intersessions at each morning Assembly. It also why we dedicate an entire day each year to celebrate the feast of the Theotokos and conduct bi-weekly glorifications for her during the blessed feast. What makes us so special and unique is not just our position as the only Coptic Orthodox school in Melbourne; it is the fact that it belongs to the Mother of God, who protects her children and intercedes for them at all times.


St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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