Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth


At SMCOC, we purposely invest in our wellbeing programs and activities to ensure our students are nurtured and well-cared for and that they are learning in a safe and supportive environment. Furthermore, our wellbeing curricula and programs and pastoral care structures teach students strategies that facilitate self-awareness, self-care and self-management.

Education and psychological research prove that students learn best when they feel that they are physically, emotionally and spiritually safe and well. This is why student wellbeing is critical to maximising their achievement and engagement and why SMCOC is committed to providing a 21st century education, which is not limited to pursuit of academic excellence, but also recognises that the wellbeing of each individual student is vital in helping them reach their potential.

These strategic intents would not be achieved without the collaboration between the student, parents or carers and teachers at our College to achieve optimal student’s wellbeing.

We also continually update or modify our Wellbeing Programs to attend to issues if the need arises.

MindMatters, KidsMatter and Bounce Back Primary Programs In Primary School, we implement three wellbeing programs, which work well together in order to maximise outcomes. MindMatters, KidsMatter and Bounce Back are mental health initiatives that aim to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.

Bounce Back works as an overarching framework to support the already wonderful pastoral care work that is provided to students, with SMCOC’s Wellbeing Team. It is incorporated into our Primary Health lessons in 2021. It is taught once a fortnight for a 50-minute period. It provides structure, guidance and support. It creates opportunities for students to learn about areas such as resilience, being grateful, empathy, emotions and looking on the bright side.

MindMatters and KidsMatter are based on the principle that the best mental health strategy is one that prevents issues from arising in the first place. They are incorporated into Bounce Back with the main ideas being the same, as they all promote positive mental health and aim to prevent mental health difficulties in students by taking proactive steps to improve relationships and resilience.

Life Skills & Wellbeing Development Secondary Program LSWD lessons respond to the learning needs of today's young people and facilitate effective conversations about:

Wellbeing Building positive relationships Self-confidence Study skills Goal setting Time-management skills Communication skills Employment skills Pursuing further education Money management

LSWD empowers students to confidently face the demands of daily life, education and employment, thereby preparing them to effectively engage with the wider community and to thrive within a rapidly changing world.

Year 7 LSWD covers a range of challenging and interesting case studies, and activities that will help students to understand more about what makes them tick – how they are likely to think, feel and behave at this time in their lives. The main areas explored are identity and self-esteem; different personality types; dealing with stress, anxiety, sadness, grief and depression; getting motivated; and setting goals. Year 7 Life Skills also provides students with the opportunity to acquire and refine their study skills, along with their time-management skills. 

Year 8 LSWD places emphasis upon the development of good communication skills and relating well to others. Various case studies and activities encourage students to think about, reflect upon and discuss some of the most important issues that all students experience. These include dealing with bullying and peer pressure; managing conflict and change; and creating positive relationships. Year 8 Life Skills also provides students with the opportunity to refine their study skills, along with their time-management skills. 

Year 9 LSWD equips students with the skills and knowledge that are required for compiling a CV; applying for a job; preparing for various types of interviews; and workplace assessment tests. The course covers topics that correspond with real-life scenarios and case studies. Concepts are reinforced through a range of challenging short answer, class discussion and research activities. Year 9 Life Skills also provides students with the opportunity to refine their study skills, along with their time-management skills. 

Year 10 LSWD equips students with the skills and knowledge pertaining to work, wages and tracking expenses. The coursework encourages students to explore different types of work arrangements and ways of getting paid. Emphasis is placed on casual employment issues, understanding rosters and managing personal finances. Each topic has been developed to increase students’ practical understanding of the life skills associated with this important topic. Year 10 Life Skills also provides students with the opportunity to refine their study skills, along with their time-management skills. 

Years 11 & 12 Wellbeing Program VCE students are given specific information and guidance around respectful relationships, subject selection and careers advice, cyber safety, goal setting and study habits, mental health and wellbeing and examination preparation and understanding the VCE. This support is delivered via Wellbeing scheduled lessons, VCE Camps and one-to-one and group counselling and meetings with the Wellbeing Team.

SMCOC Wellbeing Team

SMCOC offers a wide range of services and resources pertaining to students’ wellbeing. Our College Chaplain and College Counsellor support our students  across the College community. The Wellbeing Team ensures that each student has access to the services and resources needed. They collaborate with teachers and leaders regarding best ways and strategies to grow and nurture individual student wellbeing, as well as positive relationships within the College community.

In Primary School, students have access to a support system that includes:

  • Class teacher
  • Cluster Leader
  • Head of Primary
  • College Counsellor & Wellbeing Officer
  • College Chaplain
  • Learning Needs Coordinator
  • Learning Support Aide

In Secondary School, students are assisted by a dedicated team that works hard to provide each student with access to the resources needed to grow to become informed, sensible, conscientious confident and competent and accomplished citizens. This team includes:

  • Subjects teachers
  • Life Skills & Wellbeing Development Teachers
  • Year Level Coordinator
  • College Counsellor & Wellbeing Officer
  • College Chaplain
  • Careers Counsellor
  • Learning Needs Coordinator
  • Learning Support Aide

These teams work in partnership with students, parents and carers to build constructive relationships with students and their families, through which students’ wellbeing is nurtured, both in and out of the classroom.


St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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