Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth


Because language learning can be a challenging experience, albeit rewarding, where students’ personal, social, as well as employment opportunities are maximised in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, SMCOC offers a contemporary model of language learning and encourages learning Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in Year 12, which can also improve ATAR scores.

SMCOC offers Arabic and French as LOTE subjects. All students commence studying Arabic from Foundation. Then, students are given the opportunity to study French or Arabic through to Year 12.

Many people express surprise to learn that the household of Victoria’s first Governor, Charles La Trobe, was bilingual in French and English, and that almost all business transactions in Melbourne in the mid- late years of the nineteenth century could be carried out in German. Four French-English bilingual schools, as well as several German-English ones, operated in Victoria in the late 1800s; the first ethnic school was established in Mill Park in 1857 (Clyne 2005, pp. 1−2). Lo Bianco (2003c, p. 15), describing this period, notes that ‘broad toleration of language pluralism was common’.

The Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) National Statement sets out the following rationale:

Learning languages:

·      enriches our learners intellectually, educationally and culturally,

·      enables our learners to communicate across cultures,

·      contributes to social cohesiveness through better communication and understanding,

·      further develops the existing linguistic and cultural resources in our community,

·      contributes to our strategic, economic and international development, and

·      enhances employment and career prospects for the individual.


St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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