Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth

Expectations & Responsibilities

Respectful Relationships & Responsible Behaviour

SMCOC’s Students are expected to be the Lord’s stewards and to display Christ-like qualities at all times. They also must adhere to the behaviour expectations of the College, based upon our Coptic Orthodox Christian Ethos and values. Therefore, our students are expected, at all times, including travelling to and from the College and during College events, to represent the College in a manner that is consistent with our College’s core values.

Students and staff are also expected to behave in ways that ensure everyone in our community feels safe and is treated justly and with respect. Furthermore, one of the main intentions of staff members at SMCOC is to provide a purposeful learning environment through which our students are empowered to become lifelong learners. This intention is not feasible without an organised and positive climate. This is why we expect students to be responsible, cooperative and self-disciplined individuals. They are expected to take full responsibility for their behaviour and appearance, as well as contribute to the academic and co-curricular activities offered at our College.

Parents and carers are responsible for supporting the efforts of the College in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and in modelling the College’s core values. Parents and carers fulfil this responsibility through respectful communication with members of staff involved with their child’s progress at the College.

This includes supporting the College in matters of engagement, participation, achievement, uniform, behaviour, punctuality, absence and late arrival or early departure.

SMCOC’s values and expected behaviours are clearly outlined in the SMCOC Student Code of Conduct, available on the website. Student Behaviour Expectations are clearly outlined in the SMCOC Behaviour Management Policy, which sets the framework through which SMCOC manages student behaviour and discipline.

Procedural Fairness

SMCOC’s policies and set procedures ensure that students are given their due right of procedural fairness with any decisions pertaining to behaviour management.

This is why SMCOC seeks all possible and reasonable ways to communicate expectations to all students, parents and carers and that all decisions are made following the set policies and procedures, which are underpinned by progressive consequences. Every student will be heard before any decision is made.


If a student does not meet the College’s behaviour expectations on any occasion, consequences may be imposed. These consequences will be developmentally appropriate. They may include warnings, withdrawal of privileges, detentions, internal or external suspension, and withdrawal of enrolment.

Mobile Phones

Students are welcome to bring their personal mobile phones to the College if they wish to communicate with their parents or carers after school hours. Nonetheless, The College will not assume responsibility for the loss of or damage to any mobile phone.

Students must not use their mobile phones during school hours.

Students are expected to store their mobile phones in their lockers between 08.20 am and 03.00 pm. Mobile phones are not to be accessed during school hours.

Students need permission for recording or photographing any member of the SMCOC community (students, teachers, staff, volunteers and visitors) for an approved College activity.

Students are not permitted to post on social media, send by text message or email any photographs or videos of any members of the SMCOC Community (students, teachers, staff, volunteers and visitors). Click below for the mobile phone policy.

Use of Mobile Phones in the Study Hall is not permitted during study periods. SMCOC Mobile Phone Policy applies, and Study Hall is no exception. Accordingly, no mobile phones will be allowed during any study period. Students are expected to keep their mobile phones in their lockers and focus on studying in Study Hall.

Procedures for Suspension and Withdrawal of Enrolment

SMCOC has developed specific procedures that must be followed when considering the suspension or withdrawal of enrolment of a student. For more information, please refer to Suspension and Withdrawal of Enrolment Procedures in SMCOC Behaviour Management Policy. The decision to withdraw the enrolment of a student may only be made by the Principal (or delegate).

Individual Behaviour Management Agreement

Individual behaviour management agreements may be arranged to support a student to develop and/or improve their behaviour in a way that reflects observance of SMCOC’s Students Code of Conduct.

Behaviour management agreements will be negotiated between the Year Level Coordinator, the student and parents or carers. This agreement will clearly stipulate the desired behavioural goals of the student.

This agreement may also outline any specific arrangements in the learning environment to support the student to modify their behaviour. It might also be reviewed and modified if needed at any stage.

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St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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