Enrolment Submissions for 2024 are due on Thursday 22 June 2023. Parents and carers who have not completed this process yet are kindly reminded to submit their child’s Enrolment Application Form by the aforementioned date.

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth

Affordable quality education founded upon Orthodox biblical truth



We suggest you submit applications as early as possible to ensure a greater chance of receiving an offer at the right time for your child to commence. Places are usually confirmed and filled 12 months prior to commencement.

If a year level is full and your application has been unsuccessful, your child will be placed on a waiting list until a place is available. Please be aware that you must find an alternative option if this is the case as we cannot guarantee a place for your child at any time.

In order to secure a place for your child at SMCOC please follow the below process that best fits your situation:

Complete the Application Form and submit to the Reception Office:In person at the College, 

Email: [email protected], or

Mail: PO Box 19, Dallas VIC 3047

Please note: All relevant paperwork must be submitted at the time of the application along with the $75 application fee to progress your application.

Shortlisted families will be contacted by our Registrar to attend an Enrolment Interview with their child. For applications for Foundation, this will take place in the year prior to the child commencing and conducted by the Head of Primary, who will assess any previous reports, tests or learning requirements for your child. At this point you will also have the opportunity to further discuss your child's requirements, queries regarding the College curriculum and any other aspects of schooling.

For applications for Year 7, this will take place approximately 12 to 18 months prior to the child commencing and conducted by the Head of Middle School, who will assess any previous reports, tests or learning requirements for your child. At this point you will also have the opportunity to further discuss your child's requirements, queries regarding the College curriculum and any other aspects of schooling. This process does not include any formal testing.

First-round offers will be made to families in the weeks following interviews. Due to high-demand, not all families who attend an Enrolment Interview can be offered a position.

For students applying in Years 1 to 6 and Years 8 to 12, Enrolment Interviews may be arranged at any stage following the submission of the application (pending availability). Students applying for Years 1 to 6 and Years 8-12, and attend an Enrolment Interview, will be notified of their outcome in the weeks following the interview.

For more information regarding enrolment at SMCOC, please contact: [email protected]


St Marys Coptic Orthodox College offers a complete educational experience – from Foundation to Year 12.

The College fosters a true community spirit.

We maintain high academic standards, smaller class sizes and a caring, inclusive and supportive community.

Our teachers are deeply committed to seeing each student realise their God-given potential


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